Awkward Moments Collection

Along in daily life, there are a lot of awkward moments which you come across and I take the privilege to collect many of them.

1) The awkward moment when you tell a joke and you’re the only one who laughs.

2) The awkward moment when your sarcasm isn’t understood in a text.

3) The awkward moment when 15 year olds tweet about relationship and you’re all alone.

4) The awkward moment when you realize that you texted the wrong person.

5) That awkward moment when you shout the wrong answer in class with confidence.

6) The awkward moment when you’re hungry but you won’t go downstairs because a ghost/spirit might take/scare you.

7) That awkward moment when you get dumped for the stupidest reason after being faithful during the whole relationship.

8) That awkward moment when someone asks you what’s wrong and they’re the problem.

9) The awkward moment when you get that weird shiver and look like a freak.

10) The awkward moment when you find an old conversation of someone you cared about but don’t talk to anymore.

11) The awkward moment when your arab friend says, “I’m the bomb!”

12) The awkward moment when your mom shouts, ”I need to talk to you” and you think of everything you could have done wrong.

13) The awkward moment when you forget someone’s name, so you wait for someone else to say it so you’ll know.

14) That awkward moment when somebody is doing dishes and you slowly put another dish in the sink.

15) The awkward moment when you mess up on a word while you’re yelling at someone.

16) The awkward moment when someone thinks they’re smarter when clearly you’re correct but they won’t admit.

17) The awkward moment when you realize that love actually makes you do stupid things.

18) The awkward moment when you’re eating dinner at someone else’s house and you don’t like the food, but you have to pretend to like it.

19) The awkward moment when you are trying to be quiet, but your bones start cracking.

20) The awkward moment when somebody ask you something and you want to say ‘NO’ but if you do It’d be rude so you end up saying ‘YES’.

21) The awkward moment when your ex is hotter than before.

22) That awkward moment when you hand someone your phone to show them one picture and then they start scrolling through the rest without asking.

23) That awkward moment when you lay down to take a nap and end up waking up the next day.

24) The awkward moment when a little kids stares at you like you have done something wrong.

25) The awkward moment when you take a flight in full fare to go meet someone but forget to call them and they’re not in town for the weekend.

26) That awkward moment when everyone is comparing their grades and you’re the only one that failed.

27) The awkward moment when she KNEW u liked him… And went after him anyway.

28) The awkward moment when u catch a fly with a plastic bag & u open it to see if u got it – only to have it fly out & into ur face.

29) The awkward moment when you stretch your hand to fix the luggage in the plane and you come to know that your midriff/boxers are on show.

30) That awkward moment when you’ve to pair up with your sister for a couple dance at a wedding.

31) That awkward moment when someone remembers your name but you have NO clue who they are.

32) That awkward moment when you realize that you’ve been pronouncing a word wrong your entire life and someday, you’re corrected by your own child.

33) That awkward moment when You have 10 minutes left for your exam, And suddenly you remember EVERYTHING.

34) That awkward moment when you wake up at 6 and you can’t remember what day of the week it is and you end up sleeping again.

35) That Awkward moment of Silence on the phone when you are newly engaged.

36) That awkward moment when your dentist keeps asking you questions while their hands are in your mouth.

37) That awkward moment when you laugh so hard and your eyes get watery, and people think you`re crying and stop talking, rather stare at you.

38) The awkward moment when you order a diet Coke along with a double-cheese big mac and get stares from the person behind you.

39) That awkward moment when an automatic door doesnt open for you.

40) That awkward moment when someone asks you about something had no idea about and still you answer.

41) That awkward moment when your kindness is mistaken with flirting.

42) That awkward moment when you laugh randomly because you remembered something super funny, in a serious meeting.

43) That awkward moment when someone says, “you two should date!”

44) The awkward moment when you prepare an answer in your mind but you end up starting with the last phrase of the answer.

45) The awkward moment when your phone rings in class, and everyone stares at you.

46) That awkward moment when you finish a math problem in confidence and your answer isn’t even one of the choices.

47) The awkward moment,when you’re alone with someone you just met.

48) That awkward moment during an argument when you realize you’re completely wrong.

49) The awkward moment when a person asks what the next stop is on the local train.

50) The awkward moment when you stretch you hand to shake it with a friend but timing goes wrong and you’ve to pull it back.